Thursday, April 12, 2012

First 24 Hours of #Science140

It's been 24 hours since Science 140 was launched here and on twitter and we have been delighted with the response so far. We have received hundreds of tweets offering explanations on everything from the definition of science to forces to aerodynamics to astronomy and loads of tweets offering us best wishes on our project. 144 of you have decided to follow us on twitter in the last 24 hours and we hope we can provide you all with nuggets of interesting science facts!

As mentioned yesterday, we aim to collect these definitions, explanations and biographies over the next three months in the hopes of collating them in to a book - the proceeds of which will go to charity. Details of the charity / charities will be released in the coming weeks. So, thank you all for getting involved and I hope you continue on our journey over the coming months!! Woo hoo! Here's a small sample of the tweets received during the first day, explaining various scientific principles!
Here's what people have been saying about Science 140.

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