What is #Science140 in less than 140 characters?
Science140 wants to collect short science definitions & explanations to collate & share them in a book. #science140
It was a crowd-sourcing project that ran from April to June 2012. People from across the web and twitterverse shared their ideas and descriptions which were included in the final product - the book, A Neutron Walks Into A Bar! All royalties are going directly to cystic fibrosis research. The idea was conceived on twitter, as one might expect, through a discussion between Humphrey Jones (an Irish science teacher and blogger), Paul O'Dwyer (an Irish dentist and science communicator) and Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin (TV & radio broadcaster and scientist). The project is being coordinated online by Humphrey & science blogger Maria Delaney.
Additions to Science140 via twitter or the website will allow the editors to include submissions in publication. Contributors agree to allow the publication of their tweets without any payment and forego any claim or copyright. Acknowledgment will be attributed in the final publication. Not all tweets will be published. Publication profits will go directly to research funded by Cystic Fibrosis Ireland